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Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:43 pm
by Tim Ford
First off, I am really lucky to have Tim K. building "Mist" in the neighborhood (Chesapeake Bay). He is a stand up guy and a supportive co-builder and a generous soul. Tim sent me some dougie-fir with some lovely scarfs cut into them to use as toe-rails.

Second off...I have reached a new stage of pre-senile, paralytic, inability to make decisions. So I thought I'd solicit a few opinions:

The idea is to use the toe-rails, not only as more secure footing on the foredeck, but also as a way of fairing out the topside/deck joint which is admittedly a bit wavy on my boat.

I like the idea of the toe-rails, but I am also highly enamored of the look of the Melges 20 with the radius'ed smooth transition from the deck to the topsides. I just like the look.

So, just soliticing votes here....what would YOU DO? I can't decide.

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:53 pm
by Tim Ford
BTW, the rails would end (aft end) at the beginning of the cockpit.

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:38 pm
by jerome
Back into that "paralysis due to analysis" mode ? :)

really seems to be just an aesthetics issue. İn my opinion will look good but less sporty .
My topsides to deck joint is not perfect either but İ guess İ will not be noticeable after the deck is painted.

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:58 pm
by Tim Ford
Thanks. BTW, fantastic paint job (on your blog!)

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:25 pm
by jray
I have to agree with Jerome, probably more of an aesthetics question. It will add some safety for anyone forward. It will increase your fairing a little and make extra stuff to paint over. I am just going to use non-skid and hope not to spend much time up there. ;)

Edit: probably bring all the water from the bow back to where your sitting!

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:40 pm
by Tim Ford
Yep...I thought about that, too. Cockpit will be a little wetter and I do not plan to spend much time on the pointy end...but I will be out with the kid/s on occasion (not that they are little kids anymore, but still I'd prefer they stay on the boat).

decisions, decisions....

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:34 pm
by Mist
Hey tf,

I figured the toe-rail issue would bring up contemplation. I'm certain I'll put them on Mist. I do plan on installing them in one long stick along the sheer to keep them all lined-up. But, at a few increments, maybe 18 - 20 inches apart, along the length I'll put about a 1 1/2" of packaging tape on the underside of the stick. Once the toe-rail is glued in place I'll be able to carefully cut away the 1 1/2" portion of stick where the packaging tape is. The missing piece will provide an opening to allow a majority of the water to wash overboard before it arrives at the cockpit. Again, I will not be offended if you don't use them.

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:42 pm
by Chad
Well, they're required for ISAF OSR's for Cat 0 (round the world), 1 (across an ocean), & I think also 2 (a long ways down the coast), to extend aft at least as far as the mast. So if you want to dream some big plans for this boat...

Kidding aside, definitely don't run 'em aft of the chainplates is my opinion. Haven't your crew spent enough time hiking over the things in other boats?

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:42 am
by bendoo
Having spent some time dancing/sliding around the foredeck of my boat, (and you are only up there when some sh..t needs to be fixed NOW as all hell is breaking loose...) And given that I haven't painted any non-skid on up there yet....I will tell you I haven't missed them and (though the idea is a good one) I don't think I would add them. The area is small enough that you can hook SOME part of your body over the windward rail. For me, it would mostly be a cosmetic option. If you like the looks better w/out, maybe wait and see if you want them later...they would be easy enough to add after the fact.

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:40 pm
by Ron Bowman
Most of the boats I've sailed on have toe rails but, like Ben, I haven't missed them on the 550. Might look cool, though.

#108 Lunatic Fringe

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:59 pm
by jerome
Take a look.

toe rails sport boat 18 Houston-20110521-00216.jpg

That should give you a good idea of what it will look like. Thats on a Sportboat 18 İ have been following. He also has the stanchions and everything else !

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:01 pm
by admin
Thanks, Jerome! That's pretty cool. What really intriques me, though, is how that jib track load is tied into the coach roof structure!
Boy, that's some narrow sheeting angle, too.

Re: Opinion: Toe Rails or Not Toe Rails

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:02 am
by jerome
Yeap İ know, İ really looked at that a lot and could not figure how it could properly work