Hi Jon,
this is a picture of my recently updated blog.
taping for non skid.JPG
As far as İ can tell, it is not so different from yours . The main exceptions would be :
-the area in between cockpit sides and bensons. You did not use anti skid but İ was planning on doing so
-the aft part of your cockpit sole. That is because you aligned your non skid with the ends of your bensons. İ will do exactly the same but because my bensons are longer, İ will most likely have non skid all the way to transom
-the area towards transom of the cocpkit sides upper decks. I guess once again it is because you align everything with cockpit floor.
-the area on side decks along cabin sides between jib rail and end of cabin. This is the area where you have your stripes painted. İ intended to have non skid as there as well and do some fancy designs around the chain plates and the jib rails but İ could indeed leave that space free of non skid. İ am just wondering if it makes sense and if this area should not have non skid as well. İ mean if someone have to go forward of cabin to get something fixed, work with jib or spinn or anything else, wouldn't it be nice to make sure the sides around the cabin are non skid ?
-the cockpit side panels wich İ intended to leave white at first but then decided to cover with non skid because the paint was not perfect. İ was hesitant to do so at first until İ looked back at pictures of the first Portland fleet boat. İt is covered with non skid, including on the sides and looks pretty sharp ! no matter what İ do with those sides, İ will leave the rounded transition to cockpit upper decks white and smooth as it is.
-The other main difference İ can tell is that the width you have used for all spaces where you did not use non skid (such as next to sheer clamp or at the cockpit sides to upper decks) are much larger than what İ planned. İ could definitely increase those because İ mostly used narrow tape (2cm) to separate all areas.
taping for non skid2.JPG
Then there is the cabin top wich we cant see on the picture but you already told us you used non skid there as well and İ intend to do the same.
Ben, Josh, Kevin, Jeff, Ron all others ? What did you guys do ?