2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

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2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:59 am

In response to requests from multiple class members, an Annual General meeting of the i550 Class Association is being called. Voting will be on each proposed change to the rules, adoption of the class constitution, adoption of the class rules, election of officers for the following year. No other business shall be addressed.

Schedule: As of 4pm Eastern Standard Time on the following dates.
Wednesday December 4: Agenda opens for proposals for new business. Nominations of officers opens.
Saturday January 11: Agenda closes for proposals for new business. Nominations of officers closes.
Saturday February 1: Member list closed.
Saturday February 1: Open discussion of all class business via electronic meeting.
Monday February 3: Voting opens via email
Monday February 17: Voting closes and results announced.

Each proposed change to rules shall be first put forward as a forum discussion thread under the General i550 Chatter forum on the i550class.org website. For easy tracking, the title of each post should be formatted as "AGM Rule (section number)". Any change must be proposed by a voting member and then seconded by a voting member to be included on the agenda. Everyone in the class is free to discuss the proposed rule change. The final proposed change must be agreed to by the original poster and the seconder.

Eligible Voting Members:
A list of eligible voting member list will be published on this thread. To be added to this list of eligible members, a builder shall use the 2014 AGM Member List discussion thread where each member can post their hull number, proof of substantial construction and email address to be used for voting.

Nominations for officers will be accepted at a designated email address (tbd) from any eligible voting member.

Voting will be done via confidential email ballot send to each member from a designated email address (tbd).

Previously elected class officers will act as interim organizers of this AGM. This thread will be locked as the official record of the meeting, agenda, minutes and voting results.

Please use the "2014 AGM Discussion" discussion thread for all comments, advise and offers of assistance with the process.

Kevin McDaniel
Acting Interim Organizer (Formerly elected Class Measurer)
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:46 am

2014 i550Class Annual General Meeting

February 1, 2014

1. Modifications to Proposed Rules and Constitution
As documented below.
The complete current section is quoted.
Red text is to be removed.
Green text is to be added.

Rule Modifications
  • 2.1 Hull bottom and side panels shall include commercially available plywood at least 1/4" nominal thickness (5.2mm minimum actual thickness). Balsa plywood or other similar lightweight non-structural wood shall not be permitted for this requirement.
    Hull panels shall be constructed so that the panel weight is substantially similar throughout. 1/4" nominal plywood shall always be construed to meet this rule, or a non-plywood composite with a uniform base laminate schedule throughout. Any hull laminate may have specific reinforcements for anticipated loads, but shall not be generally lighter in the ends, for instance. (see Rule 4.2)
  • 2.2 Hull side and bottom panels shape shall be cut to the specifications of the i550 plan set as provided by the copyright holder and assembled to fit within the bounds provided with this section (plywood). The shape of a non-plywood hull shall be similarly controlled.
  • 2.3 Chines may be rounded in nature, however all hull panels shall make contact along the chine (plywood). The amount of chine radius for non-plywood hulls, and the allowable deviation from designed shapes that this rule allows by choosing other than inner-corner to inner-corner contact, shall be the same for any hull construction.
  • 2.4 Deck and cabin may be constructed of any material. [color=# 008000](Deleted)[/color]
  • 2.5 Fair curve of cabin roof adjacent to the mast step or partners shall be no less than 42" (1067mm) 35" (889mm) above the bottom of the hull at station 89.
  • 5.3.7 The upper edge of the boom at the mast shall be no more than 285" (7239mm) 294” (7468mm) below the lower edge of Band 1.
Constitution Additions
  • 8.2.8 Boats that exhibit non-compliant features.
  • For: a minor or isolated hull discrepancy that appears incidental and is not part of an overall attempt to change the hull shape; an experimental or non-standard feature unrelated to the hull shape, which does not make the boat less useful and is accessible to the homebuilder; a re-purposed part from another boat that has been modified as much as its nature will allow to comply with i550 Class rules yet still exhibits a minor non-compliance (especially if the part also shows a substantial offsetting inherent penalty, e.g. a mast that is slightly too long but is heavier than optimum).
  • Event or Fleet measurers shall be permitted to grant a Measurement Certificate for such a boat noting all non-compliant features as variances on the Measurement Certificate.
  • Such Certificate may be appealed to the Chief Measurer by any competitor or, preemptively, by a boat's owner or builder for a known or planned discrepancy. The Chief Measurer shall put the appeal to a vote by the Technical Committee. If the appeal is denied, there shall be no further action and the Certificate remains. If the appeal is upheld by the Technical Committee, the appeal shall be decided by majority vote of the full Board, who's decision shall remain in effect for a period of two years, after which the non-compliant feature may again be appealed to the Chief Measurer.
2. Adoption of Constitution as modified

3. Adoption of Rules as modified

4. Election of Officers
  • Jon Raymond for Class President
  • Chad McNeely for Chief Measurer
  • Phil Ryder for Class Secretary
  • Tim Ketten for Class Treasurer
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:47 am

Member List (in hull number order)

#061 Jon Raymond
#074 Kevin McDaniel
#087 Tim Ford
#231 Chad McNeely
#240 Michael France
#288 Rocky Shelton
#296 Tim Ketten
#355 Noel Martin
#381 Phil Ryder
#437 Loh Wai Kin
#505 Mark Stieber
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:51 am

Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:52 am

Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:54 am

Minutes from AGM Discussion

To be posted after meeting on February 1, 2014.

Chad, Jon, Phil, Kevin, Tim K Present.

A quorum for voting would be 60% of 11 members would be 7. With 5 members present we will pursue email voting.

Agenda was discussed and accepted by those present.

General Discussion:
Rewording of constitution change 8.2.8. All agreed it incorporated proposed language in similar format to the rest of the constitution.

Rule 2.2. Mentions the 'copyright holder' but our constitution defines the recognized design owner (RDO). This rule should be modified to use the term "plan set provided by the RDO". An interpretation can explain this until a rule change can be put forward at the next AGM.

Rule 2.12.1. The variance in this rule is intended to be for original plans which were drawn with a straight line from chine to sheer. The current plan set incorporates a fair curve. This rule should be changed to state the allowance is from a straight line from sheer to chine. An interpretation would be appropriate to clarify this until a rule change can be put forward at the next AGM.

The members discussed potential technical committee members.

Other minor class business was discussed including input on dues, logo's to be used on any merchandising, hull measurements gathering.

2014 event dates discussed. Late May at Lake Wawasee, IN and Mid July at Sandusky Bay / Put In Bay, OH were discussed for this year. More research and discussion is expected soon by the board.

Ballots will be emails on Monday afternoon. Final results will be posted on 2/17.

Thanks for all who participated today.
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:55 am

Voting Results

Motion 1: Modify class constitution as proposed. Passed by unanimous vote.
Motion 2: Modify class rules as proposed. Passed by unanimous vote.
Motion 3: Adopt the modified class constitution. Passed by unanimous vote.
Motion 4: Adopt the modified class rules. Passed by unanimous vote.
Motion 5. Elect nominated class officers. Passed by unanimous vote.

All class members submitted a vote.
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:15 am

Member list has been updated. Additions available until 4pm tomorrow.
Class officers nominations have been consolidated in this thread as part of the agenda.
Class Rule and Constitution modifications have been consolidated in this thread as part of the agenda.
Electronic meeting information will be sent to all members with email addresses available this evening.
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

Re: 2014 Annual General Meeting - February 1, 2014

Postby Kevin » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:14 am

2014 AGM voting results are in. They've actually been in and counted for since 2/7. My life has just been way to busy to get this information posted. My apologies for my tardiness.

I've posted the adopted constitution and rules under class information page of the i550class.org website. Note that the files are labeled "V2" for version 2. The original proposed constitution and rules will be archived as "V1" for version 1.

Congratulations to our new class officers.

Go i550 !!!
Kevin McDaniel
i550 #074 - PipeDream
Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:11 pm
Location: Evanston, Il

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