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Boat afloat

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:03 pm
by jerome
So the story is the following. Now its a sure thing, İ am leaving Turkey and moving back to Brazil. So İ will only have a chance to splash my i550 in South American waters.....
Well actually not so true..!
A couple of weeks ago, the owner of the hangar where my boat is staying called me to inform me they would have to move my boat and place it outside.
Friday İstanbul was hit by a massive storm and it rainned really heavy for at least a couple of hours.

Do İ need to go on ????

The factory was floaded İ my boat FLOATED around in the factory compound without any captain on board ! Apparently nothing happened to it and the workers were able to secure it before it started banging around.

So at leat İ know now that my boat floats ! That is good news.

İ should go there tomorrow with the guy of the moving company to check it out. Then we will build a box according to Chad's plan , and put the wholething in the container....Endless story !

Re: Boat afloat

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 2:57 pm
by Tim Ford
WOW! Man, I am SO GLAD it was saved. Any photos? And welcome back to the Western Hemi!

Re: Boat afloat

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:00 pm
by Kevin
Best of luck in relocating back to Brazil. I look forward to seeing pictures of that beautiful boat out sailing as soon as possible.

Re: Boat afloat

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:35 pm
by jerome
ThanksTim and Kevin.

İ went to the factory today to check out my boat. İ could not see any dent or scratch. That is quite amazing also because actually what hit that place was not just water but a hail storm at first. The ice balls, as İ was told, were big as a fist and ended up clogging up the sewage. That is what actually caused the flood.
The roof of the factory is all broken up. Large chunks of it collapsed in all upstair meeting rooms. All cars parked outside were dented.
But my little i550 stood up to that storm from hell without a scratch. :o

As i often mentionned during my blog, İ was always tempted to overbuild or overeinforced. Well, right now İ believe building a little tank was not such a bad idea !!!
So this initial bad news turned out into 2 great ones : 1-my boat floats 2-its bomb proof :D

Re: Boat afloat

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:40 pm
by admin
That's hilarious!
As long as it doesn't smell like sewage, I'd love a ride one day on the Baia de Todos os Santos!

Re: Boat afloat

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:24 pm
by ryderp
Friends keep asking me; "are you sure that your boat is going to float?" Well at least now you have a definitive answer if someone asks you that question.

I'm happy to hear that there was no damage.
