Measurement Guide, Form, Spreadsheet
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:26 pm
I've done a little work putting together a measurement guide, a measurement form, and a spreadsheet linked to the form.
This isn't an all-inclusive rule compliance list or checklist, just the things that would be actually measured. The purpose is to make the actual information available to all, and to let everybody use a common method to measure their boats.
You can edit your responses, or enter bogus or placeholder/zero numbers for things that you don't know (weight, for instance). I think it all works, but this is my first time using Google Forms and there may be some weirdness- let me know what you find. Any feedback on what you'd like to see done differently is welcome, too.
Measurement Form
Measurement Spreadsheet
I recently acquired an 1100# load cell/crane scale which I'll make available to Class members in North America, perhaps with a PayPal deposit or some similar security arrangement. I'm looking forward and very curious to see what it shows!
I've had a thaw and warm up here, but cold stuff returning soon. I'm not sure when I can roll my boat outside and measure it up, but it should be in the next two weeks. I'll put some pictures up when I do...
This isn't an all-inclusive rule compliance list or checklist, just the things that would be actually measured. The purpose is to make the actual information available to all, and to let everybody use a common method to measure their boats.
You can edit your responses, or enter bogus or placeholder/zero numbers for things that you don't know (weight, for instance). I think it all works, but this is my first time using Google Forms and there may be some weirdness- let me know what you find. Any feedback on what you'd like to see done differently is welcome, too.
Measurement Form
Measurement Spreadsheet
I recently acquired an 1100# load cell/crane scale which I'll make available to Class members in North America, perhaps with a PayPal deposit or some similar security arrangement. I'm looking forward and very curious to see what it shows!
I've had a thaw and warm up here, but cold stuff returning soon. I'm not sure when I can roll my boat outside and measure it up, but it should be in the next two weeks. I'll put some pictures up when I do...